Friday, April 10, 2009


Today I ponder:  Go out to eat, or a stay-at-home have a can of soup lunch?  Hmm, I'll take the soup $1.50 route.  

We are in a pinch the penny, "squeeze the dollar 'til the eagle squalls" of days.  And it forces many of us to a simpler, basic life.  We find our common denominator here. And that's okay by me.

Of course my formative years were from a more simplistic way of living with my mother sewing every stitch of clothing I wore on a Singer machine and my grandmother sewing those Barbie clothes down to the shoes, many of which I still have. They have survived.

Summers were spent belly-up in the Tupelo public swimming pool or on the back of a bike with a bag of excavated sea shells from neighborhood hills.

The sound-deafening whirr of a big blade fan, cooling down sweat remains as my air-conditioning of choice.

I cut my teeth on simple.  Only in later life, have I become fat and happy with the concept of more is better.  Trouble is, more is not quantifiable.  There's always more to be had.

The short of it is, these are excruciatingly painful economic times for many, including me.  I deserve this lesson of exorbitance versus economy.  I deserve every bit of it.

So simple is okay by me.


Emily said...

I love the idea of simplicity. I'm working on it.

cynthia howle said...

Thanks Em. Interesting what was once mainstream middle class, is now a destination.

cynthia howle said...

Thanks Em. Interesting what was once mainstream middle class, is now a destination.