Sunday, March 29, 2009

2009 Conference of the Book
My Take-Home Lessons

A synopsis of my gleaning this year:
* Journalists agree newspaper ink is fading fast.
*  No one is sure where this leaves good writing beyond the quick reads the Internet demands.
*  No one wants to lose good storytelling aspects of journalism.
*  Writers tend to have an odd if not offbeat sense of humor, that sometimes has unintended consequences.
*  A confirmation that freelancing is a very tough gig.
*  No one is sure that in-depth grassroot issues leading to larger pictures will continue to be covered by the Press.
* Writers are either meticulous dressers or mis-matched borderline slobs in need of Garanimals to align their wardrobe.
*  Writers assume you want to read their memoirs.
*  Many writers have askew hairdos, which they perhaps believe add to their "complexity."
*  We need more nonfiction voices at the Conference, because real life is always more unbelievable than fiction.

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