Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Mississippi is Ready"

"We have a cheer at Ole Miss, 'Are You Ready?' Ole Miss is ready. The facility is ready. Mississippi is ready," Chancellor Khayat told the media en masse front side of the Ford Center. Boy are they ready . . . .

Sitting inside Starbucks looking out over the Grove strategically stationed in the Student Union, the media swarms like hornets onto anything with a political connotation.

A BBC broadcast journalist, or so he claims, just retrieved two phone numbers from two blond co-eds clad in a "Rebels for McCain" red t-shirt. They might as well pain targets on the forehead.

An older gentleman reading his newspaper, just on the other side of this window was snapped from varying angles with a big as your head camera.

I too was caught eyeballing and snapping my lens at a student propped on Union steps, wearing two ties, with his own campaign sign scrawled on cardboard touting of his personal presidential candidacy built on change, which amounted to a Coke cup with a few coins.

It's all news here. The dress, the signs, the usual, the bizarre.

We are all news, and I am lovin' it.

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