Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanks: An Abbreviated List

Here's a short list for which I can say "THANKS":

God, who obviously has the biggest sense of humor of all,
my children,
family and good friends,
a few great friends,
ideas that happen at precarious times,
a job, including the good, the bad, and the ugly of it.
writing and newspapers that will publish,
thick newspapers that I can hold in my hand, the entirety at one time,
a paycheck, (of any kind)
hot yoga,
a bike that knows who I am
something to say,
music, the language of the universe
nature, the language of God.
Calhoun County,
black-eyed peas and catfish,
pine trees that whisper,
a mother who read to me,
a dad who made me laugh,
And another year to say "thanks."


Anonymous said...

This is such a fun piece of writing. Thanks you for sharing your list. Let's share some catfish sometime. You wanna?

cynthia howle said...

Absolutely, and some southern caviar would be nice.